Monday, August 16, 2010

Which social networking website is best for someone in their 30's?

Sorry, I really don't have an answer for you. I only wanted to comment because of the nasty comment above.

Does this "person" understand that people use AVATARS for a multitude of reasons?

Does he understand that even if someone used a Brad Pitt picture as an avatar, they might not really look anything like Brad Pitt? and the same applies to the above...

Even if the Questioner above does indeed look like the picture he used (I doubt it, and it does not matter), BUT, does this give you the right to be NASTY.



Just an update:

while checking back, the offending comment seems to have been removed (wonderful)..

Just added this note to make it clear that it is not meant for for the remaining innocent comment above mine.


Which social networking website is best for someone in their 30's?
I met someone on

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